Sobieski Citrus Vodka 750 ml

Sobieski Citrus Vodka 750 ml

Sobieski Citrus Vodka 750 ml

Regular price $14.99
Sobieski Orange Vodka has bursting flavors of freshly picked oranges, a creamy sweetness, and hints of vanilla; it has a finish that lingers a citrus taste. Sobieski Vodka is produced in Poland from rye (Dankowski Rye). It is named after Jan III Sobieski, a 17th century Polish king and military leader. Sobieski has been distilled since 1864. It comes in variety of flavors such as: Original (Red label), Peach, Mandarin, Vanilla, Melon, etc. The red label flavor has 40% ABV.In the Fall of 2007, Sobieski Vodka was ranked as the #1 vodka by the Beverage Tasting Institute, based on a blind tasting of 108 different vodkas., which aggregates ratings from the Beverage Testing Institute and other spirit ratings organizations, put Sobieski in the 99th percentile of all vodkas

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