Absolut Lime Vodka 750 ml

Absolut Lime Vodka 750 ml

Absolut Lime Vodka 750 ml

Regular price $23.99
Each sip of Absolut Lime bursts with a tangy citrus kick of lime flavor that comes from its all-natural ingredients and no added sugars. This versatile Absolut vodka offers up the vibrant taste of fresh limes with a slightly sweet finish. Appreciate the bold flavor of Absolut Lime by sipping it on the rocks or including it as an ingredient in your favorite poolside drinks such as the classic vodka tonic with a wedge of lime, a Twisted Mule, or a simple Lime Martini. Enjoy the difference that the continuous distillation method pioneered by Lars Olsson Smith makes, as every batch of Absolut vodka is distilled until it achieves the consistently high quality and smooth body that you expect. Just like all Absolut vodkas, Absolut Lime is crafted in Ahus, Sweden, using locally sourced winter wheat and deep well water for an uncompromising drink experience. Hang by the pool or relax on the beach with the refreshing and crisp taste of Absolut Lime.

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